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POELLATH advises yabeo Impact AG on investment by Helaba

Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen (Helaba) has invested in the Impact Venture Capital Fund of Munich-based yabeo Impact AG.

Launched in 2021, the yabeo Impact AG fund offers investors the opportunity to invest at an early stage in young companies that specifically address the issues of climate change, sustainability and the social impact of actions on society using innovative technologies and new business models. In doing so, yabeo is primarily guided by ten of the UN’s seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The focus of yabeo Impact AG in terms of potential investment targets is on for-profit technology companies in the environmental (including ClimateTech, Clean-Tech, sustainable finance and AgricultureTech) and social (e.g. education and inclusion) sectors. Current portfolio companies include, for example, Wegatech (provider of sustainable energy technology), TAPP Water (provider of advanced tap water filters), and Agrando (trading platform for agriculture).

POELLATH advised yabeo on the investment with the following team:

Monika Goede
+49 (89) 24 24 0 - 228 call