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P+P advises DPE on investment in valantic GmbH

DPE Deutsche Private Equity Management III GmbH ("DPE") acquired a majority stake in valantic GmbH. The founding shareholders and management will retain a substantial stake in the company.

valantic is a leading consultancy and provider of software solutions for digital transformation, and ranks among the fastest growing digital solutions, consulting and software companies in the market. valantic provides comprehensive support for its customers, from strategy formulation right through to implementation. The company combines market and leading-edge technological competence in SAP, digitalization and financial services automation. With more than 800 specialist solution consultants and developers, valantic is present across 20 locations in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Spain, Luxembourg, and the USA.

Founded in 2007, DPE Deutsche Private Equity (DPE) is an independent German investment company that invests in SMEs in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. DPE has since successfully launched three funds.

P+P Pöllath + Partners comprehensively advised DPE on all tax matters with the following team:

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