· Insight

Attribution taxation in the case of foundations and trusts: Is the escape clause of Sec. 15 (6) AStG also applicable to third countries?

Original: “Zurechnungsbesteuerung bei Stiftungen und Trusts: Ist die Escape-Klausel des § 15 Abs. 6 AStG auch auf Drittstaaten anwendbar?”

The attribution taxation of foreign foundations and trusts is often a nuisance for German beneficiaries. The escape clause of Sec. 15 (6) AStG has so far only provided a remedy for EU/EEA cases. However, according to a new ruling by the Hessian Fiscal Court, it is also applicable to third-country situations due to the free movement of capital.

in: Handelsblatt Steuerboard online, 11. Januar 2023
Authors: Dr. Marcus Niermann