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Negative income from capital assets due to default on a loan receivable

Original: “Negative Einkünfte aus Kapitalvermögen durch den Ausfall einer Darlehensforderung”
EStG Sec. 17 (4), Sec. 20 (2) Sentence 1 No. 7, Sentence 2, (4)

BFH reconfirms: The final default of a private capital claim leads to a loss to be recognized for tax purposes. In the case of an insolvency-free liquidation of a corporation as debtor, a final default can regularly only be assumed upon completion of the liquidation, unless special circumstances exceptionally indicate otherwise.

in: DStRK - Deutsches Steuerrecht kurzgefasst, 15/2021, 198-199
Authors: Raphael Baumgartner