Münchner Unternehmenssteuerforum
For this purpose, the association invites these professionals several times a year to discussion rounds on specific problems in the field of corporate taxation. After one or two introductory presentations, representatives from the judiciary, tax authorities and the business world exchange their different views on the topics discussed. Contributions from the audience are also expressly welcomed in this panel discussion.
The aim of these events is to develop an understanding for the different positions and backgrounds of the participants through the in-depth presentation and discussion of different points of view.
The Münchner Unternehmenssteuerforum e.V. (Munich Corporate Tax Forum Association) was founded in October 2009. Among the founding members are judges on the Federal Fiscal Court (BFH), representatives of the tax authorities and the business community. The board of the association consists of Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dieter Drüen (Professor at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich), Dr. Peter Brandis (Judge at the Federal Fiscal Court in Munich) and Dr. Arnd Weißgerber (Bavarian State Ministry of Finance and Home Affairs)
POELLATH, as a supporting and POELLATH partner Stephan Viskorf as managing director, is significantly involved in the organization of the regular events.
The events are held in German. The 45th Münchner Unternehmenssteuerforum takes place on June 25, 2025 at 5:30 p.m. held as on-site event at Literaturhaus Munich. All information about the event and registration can be found under the following link: