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P+P advised the shareholders of GermanPersonnel on sale to Riverside

The private equity firm Riverside has acquired a majority stake in GermanPersonnel e-search GmbH. P+P advised the shareholders of GermanPersonnel within the context of the transaction.

GermanPersonnel, headquartered in Unterhaching near Munich, is a leading provider of innovative data-based e-recruiting SaaS solutions. GermanPersonnel specializes in the automation of the entire e-recruiting process and optimization of the most important aspects of e-recruiting such as, e.g., scope, quality of candidates and time and cost-saving measures.

Riverside is a global private equity firm specializing in acquisitions of majority and minority stakes in growth companies. Riverside intends to promote the growth strategy of GermanPersonnel and develop its market position in further geographical regions and customer segments.

P+P Pöllath + Partners advised the shareholders of GermanPersonnel on all legal and tax matters within the context of the transaction with a team led by Dr. Nico Fischer (partner, tax, Munich) and Dr. Tim Kaufhold (counsel, M&A/private equity, Munich). Additional team members were:

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