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P+P advises Resources Connection on acquisition of German company taskforce - Management on Demand AG

Resources Connection, Inc., a U.S.-based consulting company listed onNASDAQ, acquired all shares of taskforce – Management on Demand AG (Taskforce AG) via its 100% German subsidiary, Resources Global Professionals (Germany) GmbH (RGP).

Taskforce AG, headquartered in Munich, is a leading company in Germany for professional interim and project management. Taskforce managers are experienced leaders who assist companies and entrepreneurs in temporary challenges and complex strategic projects.

With a similar consulting approach as an international consulting company, RGP supports executives in the implementation of intra-company challenges, inter alia, in the fields of risk and compliance management, strategic communication and restructuring, information management, as well as legal and regulatory issues.

Founded in 1996 by Deloitte & Touche, the company currently employs over 3,000 people at 67 branch offices. The publicly traded RGP annually serves more than 1,800 customers, of which 87 are already among Fortune 100 companies. With the acquisition of Taskforce AG, RGP continues to expand its practice throughout Germany and Europe. Taskforce AG will continue to operate independently under its existing brand name, while being clearly aligned with RGP with the addition "an RGP company". The former management will remain joint CEOs of taskforce.

P+P Pöllath + Partners comprehensively advised the buyer, Resources Connection, Inc., with the following team:

Mathias Schulze Steinen and Philipp Groll (both DLA Piper) advised the sellers.