· Insight

Compulsory Share – German Federal Court of Justice specifies requirements for the application of foreign inheritance law

Dealing with potential claims to a compulsory share is regularly a crucial issue in estate planning. This is particularly true in the case of cross-border successions – whether the future testator and the potential claimants of the compulsory share live in different states or the assets are distributed internationally (or both). A recent ruling by the German Federal Court of Justice now provides more legal certainty.

in: Private Equity Magazin, November 2, 2022
Authors: Dr. Maximilian Haag, Dr. Martin Liebernickel, Dr. Christoph Philipp, Dr. Andreas Richter, Dr. Stephan Viskorf, Dr. Katharina Gollan, Dr. Katharina Hemmen, Dr. Marcel Duplois, Mareike Krämer, Erik Muscheites, Marcus Niermann, Laurenz Martin Lipp
  • Tax
    • Tax Planning / Structuring
    • Succession Tax Planning