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Company register for the partnership under civil law (GbR) comes to 1 January 2024

Original: “Gesellschaftsregister für die GbR kommt zum 1. Januar 2024”

The Act to Modernize the Law on Partnerships (MoPeG) will not only reform the legal provisions governing GbRs as of January 1, 2024, but will also introduce a so-called company register. Similar to the commercial register for trading companies, the company register will in future provide information on the existence, power of representation and shareholding structure of the GbR and thus ensure greater transparency.

in: Private Equity Magazin,, July 4, 2023
Authors: Dr. Christoph Philipp, Dr. Martin Liebernickel, Dr. Andreas Richter, Dr. Stephan Viskorf, Dr. Maximilian Haag, Dr. Marcus Niermann, Dr. Katharina Hemmen, Dr. Katharina Gollan, Dr. Sebastian Löcherbach, Erik Muscheites, Dr. Marcel Duplois, Michael Feldner